ION MagNav Workshop 2023, Monterey, CA
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Refrigerator magnet
Earth’s core field (compass)
Crustal magnetic anomaly
1 000 000 nT
Range \(\pm\) 500 nT
Resolution \(\sim\) 1 nT (Bankey et al. 2002)
Vaquier towed magnetometer, National Museum of American History (Smithsonian Institution, n.d.) Ca. 1946
\(|\vec{B}_\text{sensor}| = |\vec{B}_{\oplus}+ \vec{B}_\text{anomaly}+ \vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|\)
Sensor placement and installation
Inertial navigation aiding
Maxwell’s equations in MKS units (Griffiths 1999)
\(\nabla \cdot \vec{B} = 0\)
\(\nabla \times \vec{H} = \vec{J} + \frac{\partial \vec{D}}{\partial t}\)
\(\nabla \cdot \vec{D} = \rho\)
\(\nabla \times \vec{E} = -\frac{\partial \vec{B}}{\partial t}\)
Constituent relationships apply in a physical medium
\(\vec{B} = \mu_0 \left(\vec{H} + \vec{M} \right)\)
Ohm’s law \(\vec{J} = \sigma \vec{E}\)
\(\vec{E} = \frac{1}{\epsilon_0} \left( \vec{D} - \vec{P} \right)\)
\[ \frac{\partial \vec{E}}{\partial t} \approx \frac{\partial \vec{D}}{\partial t} \approx 0, \rho = 0 \]
\(\nabla \cdot \vec{B} = 0\)
\(\nabla \times \vec{H} = \vec{J} + \cancelto{0}{\frac{\partial \vec{D}}{\partial t}}\)
\({\nabla \cdot \vec{D} = \cancelto{0}{\rho}}\)
\({\nabla \times \vec{E} = -\frac{\partial \vec{B}}{\partial t}}\)
\(\vec{B} = \mu_0 \left(\vec{H} + \vec{M} \right)\)
Ohm’s law \(\vec{J} = \sigma \vec{E}\)
\({\vec{E} = \frac{1}{\epsilon_0} \left( \vec{D} - \cancelto{0}{\vec{P}} \right)}\)
How do we know that we can use quasi-magnetostatics? (Bulovic et al. 2011)
Want the error \(\frac{H_\mathrm{error}}{H} \rightarrow 0\) in neglecting \(\frac{\partial \vec{D}}{\partial t}\)
Via Stokes’ Theorem \[\oint_C \vec{H}_{\mathrm{error}} \cdot d\ell = \int_S \frac{\partial \vec{D}}{\partial t} da
\] with \[
\vec{D} = \epsilon_0 \vec{E} e^{-i \omega t}
\] and characteristic length scale \(L\) then \[
H_{\mathrm{error}} L = i \epsilon_0 \omega E L^2
\[ {\nabla \times \vec{E} = -\frac{\partial \vec{B}}{\partial t}} \] Similar to before from Stokes’ Theorem \[ \oint \vec{E} \cdot d \ell = - \frac{\partial }{\partial t} \int_S \vec{H} \cdot d\vec{a} \] similar hand-waving \[ EL = -i \omega \mu_0 H L^2 \] and then \[ \frac{H_\mathrm{error}}{H} = \omega^2 {\mu_0 \epsilon_0} L^2 = \frac{\omega^2 L^2 }{c^2} = \frac{L^2}{\lambda^2} \] assuming free space: \(\mu = \mu_0\) and \(\epsilon = \epsilon_0\)
\[ \frac{H_\mathrm{error}}{H} = \omega^2 {\mu_0 \epsilon_0} L^2 = \frac{\omega^2 L^2 }{c^2} = \frac{L^2}{\lambda^2} \]
#| echo: false
#| output: true
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import speed_of_light as c
from matplotlib import pylab as plt
freqs = np.array([0.1, 1, 10, 100])
wavelens = c/freqs
fg,ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hertz]')
ax.set_ylabel('Wavelength [meter]')
ax.hlines(y=12.742e6,xmin=freqs[0], xmax=freqs[-1],color='red',label='Earth diameter')
ax.hlines(y=384.4e6,xmin=freqs[0], xmax=freqs[-1],color='green',label='Earth-moon distance')
_ = ax.legend()
World’s largest container ship, 400 m long.
Speed of light in sea-water (Moser 1989), (Hunt, Niemeier, and Kruger 2010) \[v \approx 2 \sqrt{\frac{\pi \nu}{\mu_0 \sigma}}\]
#| echo: false
seawater_conductivity = 4.5 # 3-6 S/m
seawater_permeability = 4*np.pi*1e-7 # H/m
vel = 2*np.sqrt(np.pi*freqs/seawater_permeability/seawater_conductivity)
fg,ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hertz]')
ax.set_ylabel('Velocity [meters/second]')
_ = ax.set_title('Speed of light in seawater')
#| echo: false
fg,ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hertz]')
ax.set_ylabel('Wavelength [meters]')
ax.set_title('Wavelength in seawater')
ax.hlines(y=400,xmin=freqs[0], xmax=freqs[-1],color='red',label='Container ship')
ax.hlines(y=1,xmin=freqs[0], xmax=freqs[-1],color='green',label='1 meter')
_ = ax.legend()
Vector Potential \(\vec{A}\)
\(\vec{B}(\vec{r}) = \nabla \times \vec{A}(\vec{r})\)
General case
Will use to discuss dipoles today
Scalar Magnetic Potential \(\Phi_M\)
Magnetic field is divergence free: \[ \nabla \cdot \vec{B} = 0 \] There’s a vector identity: \[ \nabla \cdot (\nabla \times \vec{F} ) = 0 \] So \(\vec{B}\) can be expressed as a curl \[ \vec{B} = \nabla \times \vec{A} \] Subsittute into Ampere’s law \[ \nabla \times \vec{H} = \mu_0 \vec{J} = \nabla \times (\nabla \times \vec{A}) = \nabla(\nabla\cdot\vec{A}) - \nabla^2 \vec{A} \] \(\vec{A}\) is not unique for a given \(\vec{B}\).
\(\vec{A}\) is not unique for a given \(\vec{B}\) \[ \vec{A} \rightarrow \vec{A} + \nabla f \] from vector identity \[ \nabla \times \nabla f = 0 \] A unique \(\vec{B}\) will exist \[ \vec{B} = \nabla \times \vec{A} = \nabla \times ( \vec{A} + \nabla f) \] We can choose some \(f\) so that \(\nabla \cdot \vec{A} = 0\) which results in \[ \nabla^2 \vec{A} = - \mu_0 \vec{J} \ \mathrm{,Poisson's\ Equation} \] Which has solution \[ \vec{A}(\vec{r}) = \frac{\mu_0}{4\pi} \int \frac{\vec{J}(\vec{r}') }{ \left| \vec{r} - \vec{r}' \right| } d^3 r' \]
To find the equation of a dipole (Griffiths 1999) \[ \vec{A}(\vec{r}) = \frac{\mu_0}{4\pi} \int \frac{\vec{J}(\vec{r}')}{ \left| \vec{r} - \vec{r}' \right| } d^3 r' \] \[ \begin{align*} \frac{1}{\left| \vec{r} - \vec{r}' \right| } &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{r^2 + (r')^2 - 2 r r' cos\theta'}} \\ &= \frac{1}{r} \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \left( \frac{r'}{r} \right)^n P_n(\cos\theta') \end{align*} \] \[ \vec{A}(\vec{r}) = \frac{\mu_0 I}{4\pi} \left[ \cancelto{0}{\frac{1}{r} \oint d\vec{\ell}' } + \frac{1}{r^2} \oint r' \cos\theta' d \vec{\ell}' + \frac{1}{r^3} \oint (r')^2 \left( \frac{3}{2} \cos^2 \theta' -\frac{1}{2} \right) d \vec{\ell}' \cdots \right] \]
\[ \vec{A}(\vec{r}) = \frac{\mu_0 I}{4\pi} \left[ \cancelto{0}{\frac{1}{r} \oint d\vec{\ell}' } + \frac{1}{r^2} \oint r' \cos\theta' d \vec{\ell}' + \frac{1}{r^3} \oint (r')^2 \left( \frac{3}{2} \cos^2 \theta' -\frac{1}{2} \right) d \vec{\ell}' \cdots \right] \]
There are no magnetic monopoles \(\nabla\cdot\vec{B}=0\)
\[ \vec{A}_\mathrm{dipole}(\vec{r}) = \frac{\mu_0 I}{4\pi} \left[ \frac{1}{r^2} \oint r' \cos\theta' d \vec{\ell}' \right] \] some more vector trickery \[ \vec{A}_\mathrm{dipole}(\vec{r}) = \frac{\mu_0 }{4\pi} \frac{\vec{m} \times \hat{r}}{r^2} \] where magnetic moment is defined as \[ \vec{m} = I \int d\vec{a} = I\vec{a} \] Finally from \(\vec{B} = \nabla \times \vec{A}\) \[ \vec{B}_\mathrm{dipole} = \frac{\mu_0 }{4\pi} \frac{1}{r^3} \left[ 3 (\vec{m}\cdot \hat{r})\hat{r} - \vec{m} \right] \]
\vec{B}_\mathrm{dipole} = \frac{\mu_0 }{4\pi} { \frac{1}{r^3} }\left[ 3 (\vec{m}\cdot \hat{r})\hat{r} - \vec{m} \right] \propto \frac{1}{r^3}
Inverse cube dependence on distance from dipole \({ \frac{1}{r^3} }\)
Take a very simplified cylindrical geometry radius \(a\) and length \(2b\).
In this very stylized case, there’s a trick. We can solve the problem as if there were North and South magnetic “charges” \(Q_m\) at the two faces separated by the distance \(2b\)
\[ B_z = \frac{Q_m}{4\pi} \left\{ \frac{1}{(z-b)^2} - \frac{1}{(z+b)^2} \right\} \]
Can show \[ B_z \propto \frac{1}{(z/b)^3} \]
If \(z/b = 5\) then \(B_z(5b) \approx B_z(b)/125\)
Example aeromagnetic survey flight path with dense, parallel flight lines and spare orthogonal tie lines.
Vaquier towed magnetometer, National Museum of American History (Smithsonian Institution, n.d.)
History notes:
Scalar sensors used to avoid rotation issues
\[ \begin{align*} DC_x = \arccos{a} &= \frac{B_x}{\sqrt{B_x^2 + B_y^2 + B_z^2}}\\ DC_y = \arccos{b} &= \frac{B_y}{\sqrt{B_x^2 + B_y^2 + B_z^2}}\\ DC_z = \arccos{c} &= \frac{B_z}{\sqrt{B_x^2 + B_y^2 + B_z^2}} \end{align*} \]
Gain and bias: \[ \vec{B}_m = {\mathbf{A}_\mathrm{soft}} \vec{B}_r + \vec{b}_\mathrm{hard} \]
Hard and soft magnetic moments: \[ \vec{B}_m = {\mathbf{A}_\mathrm{soft}} \vec{B}_r + \vec{b}_\mathrm{hard} \]
Newton’s law of cooling \[T(t) = T_s +(T_0 - T_s)\exp(-kt)\] which is the solution to \[\frac{dT}{dt} = -k(T_0 - T_s)\] if \(H \propto T\) then we can write by analogy \[H(t) = H_f + (H_0 - H_f)\exp(-kt)\]
Newton’s law of cooling \[T(t) = T_s +(T_0 - T_s)\exp(-kt)\] which is the solution to \[\frac{dT}{dt} = -k(T_0 - T_s)\] if \(H \propto T\) then we can write by analogy \[H(t) = H_f + (H_0 - H_f)\exp(-kt)\]
Scalar sensor has advantage that it’s output independent of magnetic field orientation.
Generally we refer to Atomic vapor sensors.
Geometrics MFAM (MFAM Module Specifications, Laser Pumped Cesium Magnetometer 2020)
\[ \begin{align*} |\vec{B}_\mathrm{total}| &= |\vec{B}_\mathrm{Earth} + \vec{B}_\mathrm{anomaly}|\\ &= \sqrt{ |B_\mathrm{Earth}|^2 + |B_\mathrm{anomaly}|^2 + 2 |B_\mathrm{Earth}||B_\mathrm{anomaly}|\cos\theta}\\ |B_\mathrm{total}| &= |B_\mathrm{Earth}| \sqrt{ 1 + \frac{|B_\mathrm{anomaly}|^2}{|B_\mathrm{Earth}|^2} + 2\frac{|B_\mathrm{anomaly}|}{|B_\mathrm{Earth}|}\cos\theta } \\ &\approx |B_\mathrm{Earth}| + |B_\mathrm{anomaly}|\cos\theta + \cdots \end{align*} \]
\(|B_\mathrm{anomaly}|\) is the projection of \(\vec{B}_\mathrm{anomaly}\) onto \(\vec{B}_\mathrm{Earth}\)
Atomic vapor sensors operate on the principle of Larmor precession
These are gases that have an unpaired electron that has a specific magnetic moment.
Cesium \(\gamma = 3.5\ \text{nT/Hz}\)
In Earth field of \(50000\ \text{nT} \rightarrow 175 \text{kHz}\)
Inside the sensor head is the Ce gas. Without doing anything the atoms in the gas have a random orientation.
A pump laser with a specific polarization orients the Ce spins and excites them to a specific state.
A probe laser reads out the precesion rate and the magnetic field is inferred.
The probe laser is polarized so that it is absorbed by the Ce gas when the spin aligns with the beam polarization.
Related to the pump laser optical axis.
Pump laser is circular polarized and transfers angular momentum to the atoms so that they spin align to the optical axis \((\vec{M}\parallel\text{optical\ axis})\)
Torque \(\vec{T}\) on \(\vec{M}\) from \(\vec{H}\) is: \[ \vec{T} = \vec{M} \times \vec{H} \] If \(\vec{M} \parallel \vec{H}\), then \(\vec{T} = \vec{M} \times \vec{H} = 0\)
No torque \(\rightarrow\) no precession and no signal to monitor.
Details of laser-gas interaction define deadzone size.
Geometrics MFAM (MFAM Module Specifications, Laser Pumped Cesium Magnetometer 2020)
Heading error is due to small amounts of magnetization near the sensor and leads to an orientation dependent bias.
\(\cos\theta\) is the angle between \(\vec{B}_\mathrm{external}\) and \(\vec{B}_\mathrm{sensor}\).
\[ \begin{align*} |\vec{B}_\mathrm{measure}| &= |\vec{B}_\mathrm{external} + \vec{B}_\mathrm{sensor}|\\ &= \sqrt{ |B_\mathrm{external}|^2 + |B_\mathrm{sensor}|^2 + 2 |B_\mathrm{external}||B_\mathrm{sensor}|\cos\theta}\\ |B_\mathrm{measure}| &= |B_\mathrm{external}| \sqrt{ 1 + \frac{|B_\mathrm{sensor}|^2}{|B_\mathrm{external}|^2} + 2\frac{|B_\mathrm{sensor}|}{|B_\mathrm{external}|}\cos\theta} \\ &\approx |B_\mathrm{external}| + |B_\mathrm{sensor}|\cos\theta + \cdots \end{align*} \]
The full magnetic vector gradient has 9 components \[ \nabla \vec{B} = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial}{\partial x}\\ \frac{\partial}{\partial y}\\ \frac{\partial}{\partial z} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} B_x & B_y & B_z \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial B_x}{\partial x} & \frac{\partial B_x}{\partial y} & \frac{\partial B_x}{\partial z} \\ \frac{\partial B_y}{\partial x} & \frac{\partial B_y}{\partial y} & \frac{\partial B_y}{\partial z} \\ \frac{\partial B_z}{\partial x} & \frac{\partial B_z}{\partial y} & \frac{\partial B_z}{\partial z} \end{bmatrix} \]
Maxwell’s equations provide constraints, trace must be zero \[ \nabla \cdot \vec{B} = 0 \] In free space \[ \nabla \times \vec{B} = 0 \] Which means that \(\nabla \vec{B}\) must be symmetric
Only 5 independent elements (Bracken and Brown 2006).
Because of the contraints, a vector gradiometer can be made with \(\ge 4\) vector sensors in a cross (plane) or in a tetrahedron or similar shape.
\[ \vec{B}_\mathrm{dipole} = \frac{\mu_0 }{4\pi} { \frac{1}{r^3} }\left[ 3 (\vec{m}\cdot \hat{r})\hat{r} - \vec{m} \right] \propto \frac{1}{r^3} \]
\[ | (\nabla \vec{B}_\mathrm{dipole})_{ij}| \propto \frac{1}{r^4} \]
Differencing two measurements will will remove a constant and leave behind what’s different.
The closer a dipole, the steeper the gradient.
Gradient measurements will be dominated by local dipoles.
\(|\vec{B}_\text{sensor}| = |\vec{B}_{\oplus}+ \vec{B}_\text{anomaly}+ \vec{B}_\text{disturbance}+ \vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|\)
\(|\vec{B}_\text{sensor}| = |\vec{B}_{\oplus}+ \vec{B}_\text{anomaly}+ \vec{B}_\text{disturbance}+ \vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|\)
\(|\vec{B}_\text{ext}| = |\vec{B}_{\oplus}+ \vec{B}_\text{anomaly} + \vec{B}_\text{disturbance}|\)
\(|\vec{B}_\text{sensor}| = |\vec{B}_\text{ext}+ \vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|\)
assume \(|\vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|/|\vec{B}_\text{ext}|\ll 1\)
\(|\vec{B}| \approx |\vec{B}_\text{ext}| + \frac{1}{2}\vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}\cdot\vec{B}_\text{ext}\)
need a model for \(\vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}\)
\[ \begin{align*} |B_\text{sensor}| &= |\vec{B}_\text{ext}+ \vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|\\ &= \sqrt{ |B_\text{ext}|^2 + |B_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|^2 + 2 |B_\text{ext}||B_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|\cos\theta}\\ |B_\text{sensor}| &= |B_\text{ext}| \sqrt{ 1 + \frac{|B_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|^2}{|B_\text{ext}|^2} + 2\frac{|B_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|}{|B_\text{ext}|}\cos\theta} \end{align*} \]
\[ \begin{align*} |B_\text{sensor}| &= |\vec{B}_\text{ext}+ \vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|\\ &= \sqrt{ |B_\text{ext}|^2 + |B_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|^2 + 2 |B_\text{ext}||B_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|\cos\theta}\\ |B_\text{sensor}| &= |B_\text{ext}| \sqrt{1 + 2\frac{|B_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|}{|B_\text{ext}|}\cos\theta} \end{align*} \]
|B_\text{Sensor}| &= |\vec{B}_\text{ext}+ \vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|\\
&= \sqrt{ |B_\text{ext}|^2 + |B_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|^2 + 2 |B_\text{ext}||B_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|\cos\theta}\\
|B_\text{Sensor}| &= |B_\text{ext}| \sqrt{ 1 + 2\frac{|B_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|}{|B_\text{ext}|}\cos\theta}\\
&\approx |B_\text{ext}| + |B_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|\cos\theta + \cdots
Path to Calibration
Measure \(\cos\theta\)
Solve \(|B_\text{sensor}| = |B_\text{ext}| + |B_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|\cos\theta\)
Assuming \(|B_\text{ext}|\) is known or constant
Path to Calibration
Measure \(\cos\theta\)
Solve \(|B_\text{sensor}| = |B_\text{ext}| + |B_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|\cos\theta\)
Assuming \(|B_\text{ext}|\) is known or constant
How to measure \(\cos\theta\)?
Use a vector magnetometer
Rotate aircraft in \(\vec{B}_\text{ext}\)
Coordinate system fixed to aircraft
\[\vec{B}_\text{Sensor} = \vec{B}_\text{ext}+ \vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}\]
\vec{B}_\text{ext}&= 4.0 \hat{x} && + 0.0 \hat{y} \\
\vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}&= 0.5 \hat{x} && +0.0 \hat{y} \\
\vec{B}_\text{Sensor} &= 4.5 \hat{x} && + 0.0 \hat{y} \\
|B_\text{Sensor}| &= 4.5 && \\
\cos X &= \frac{4.5}{4.5} && = 1\\
\cos Y &= \frac{0.0}{4.5} && = 0\\
Coordinate system fixed to aircraft
\[\vec{B}_\text{Sensor} = \vec{B}_\text{ext}+ \vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}\]
\vec{B}_\text{ext}&= 0.0 \hat{x} && + 4.0 \hat{y} \\
\vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}&= 0.5 \hat{x} && + 0.0 \hat{y} \\
\vec{B}_\text{Sensor} &= 0.5 \hat{x} && + 4.0 \hat{y} \\
|B_\text{Sensor}| &= 4.007 && \\
\cos X &= \frac{0.5}{4.007} && \ne 0 \rightarrow 82.8^\circ\\
\cos Y &= \frac{4.0}{4.007} && \approx 1\\
Coordinate system fixed to aircraft
\[\vec{B}_\text{Sensor} = \vec{B}_\text{ext}+ \vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}\]
\vec{B}_\text{ext}&= -4.0 \hat{x} && + 0.0 \hat{y} \\
\vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}&= 0.5 \hat{x} && + 0.0 \hat{y} \\
\vec{B}_\text{Sensor} &= -3.5 \hat{x} && + 0.0 \hat{y} \\
|B_\text{Sensor}| &= 3.5 && \\
\cos X &= \frac{-3.5}{3.5} && = -1\\
\cos Y &= \frac{0}{3.5} && = 0\\
Coordinate system fixed to aircraft
\[\vec{B}_\text{Sensor} = \vec{B}_\text{ext}+ \vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}\]
\vec{B}_\text{ext}&= 0.0 \hat{x} && + -4.0 \hat{y} \\
\vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}&= 0.5 \hat{x} && + 0.0 \hat{y} \\
\vec{B}_\text{Sensor} &= 0.5 \hat{x} && + -4.0 \hat{y} \\
|B_\text{Sensor}| &= 4.007 &&\\
\cos X &= \frac{0.5}{4.007} && \ne 0\\
\cos Y &= \frac{-4.0}{4.007} && \approx -1\\
\[|\vec{B}_\text{sensor}| = |\vec{B}_\text{ext}+ \vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}|\]
\[ \begin{array}{ l B c B c B c } \vec{B}_\class{fa fa-plane}{}& = & \vec{B}_\text{Permanent} & + & \vec{B}_\text{Induced} & + & \vec{B}_\text{Eddy}\\ & = & \vec{P}_\text{constant} {} & + &{} M_{3\times3} \vec{B}_\text{ext}{} & + & {} S_{3\times3} \frac{\partial}{\partial t} \vec{B}_\text{ext} \end{array} \]
\(M_{3\times3}\) is symmetric \(\rightarrow\) 6 independent elements
Total of 18 elements
The direction cosines are computed from the vector magnetometer
\[ \begin{aligned} \cos X = & \frac{B_x}{\sqrt{B_x^2 + B_y^2 + B_z^2}}\\ \cos Y = & \frac{B_y}{\sqrt{B_x^2 + B_y^2 + B_z^2}}\\ \cos Z = & \frac{B_z}{\sqrt{B_x^2 + B_y^2 + B_z^2}} \end{aligned} \]
B_\class{fa fa-plane}{}& = & & { c_1 \cos X + c_2 \cos Y + c_3 \cos Z }+ \\
& & B_\text{ext}& {[ c_4 \cos^2 X + c_5 \cos X \cos Y + c_6 \cos X \cos Z +} \\
& & & { c_7 \cos^2 Y + c_8 \cos Y \cos Z + c_9 \cos^2 Z ] + } \\
& & B_\text{ext}& { [ c_{10} \cos X \cos' X + c_{11} \cos X \cos' Y + c_{12} \cos X \cos' Z }+ \\
& & & { c_{13} \cos Y \cos' X + c_{14} \cos Y \cos' Y + c_{15} \cos Y \cos' Z +} \\
& & & { c_{16} \cos Z \cos' X + c_{17} \cos Z \cos' Y + c_{18} \cos Z \cos' Z ] }
- We need a method to solve for \(c_1 \ldots c_{18}\) - Should provide visibility over anticipated range of aircraft motion
Fly the aircraft in a series of Roll, Pitch, Yaw maneuvers
Altitude of a known map
Maneuver angle should depend upon the expected aircraft dynamics
Typically at each cardinal heading
(W. E. Tolles and Lawson 1950), (W. E. Tolles 1954), (W. E. Tolles 1955), (Gnadt, Wollaber, and Nielsen 2022)
\[ A = \begin{bmatrix} \cos X_1 & \cdots & \cos X_N\\ \cos Y_1 & \cdots & \cos Y_N \\ \cos Z_1 & \cdots & \cos Z_N\\ B_\text{ext}\cos^2 X_1 & \cdots & B_\text{ext}\cos^2 X_N\\ B_\text{ext}\cos X_1 \cos Y_1 & \cdots & B_\text{ext}\cos X_N \cos Y_N\\ B_\text{ext}\cos X_1 \cos Z_1 & \cdots & B_\text{ext}\cos X_N \cos Z_N \\ B_\text{ext}\cos^2 Y_1 & \cdots & B_\text{ext}\cos^2 Y_N \\ B_\text{ext}\cos Y_1 \cos Z_1 & \cdots & B_\text{ext}\cos Y_N \cos Z_N\\ B_\text{ext}\cos^2 Z_1 & \cdots & B_\text{ext}\cos^2 Z_N\\ B_\text{ext}\cos X_1 \cos' X_1 & \cdots & B_\text{ext}\cos X_N \cos' X_N \\ B_\text{ext}\cos X_1 \cos' Y_1 & \cdots & B_\text{ext}\cos X_N \cos' Y_N\\ B_\text{ext}\cos X_1 \cos' Z_1 & \cdots & B_\text{ext}\cos X_N \cos' Z_N\\ B_\text{ext}\cos Y_1 \cos' X_1 & \cdots & B_\text{ext}\cos Y_N \cos' X_N\\ \vdots & & \vdots \\ B_\text{ext}\cos Z_1 \cos' Z_1 & \cdots & B_\text{ext}\cos Z_N \cos' Z_N \\ \end{bmatrix} \]
\(H_e\) is the magnitude of the external field. We assume that \[
B_\text{ext}= \sqrt{B_x^2 + B_y^2 + B_z^2}
Equivalently that the vector mags only see external field. The anomaly signal is below the noise floor.
Map-less calibration
Perform maneuvers at fixed frequency \(f\)
Band-pass filter columns of \(A\), \(B_\text{scalar}\) \[
A_f & = BPF(A)\\
B_{\text{scalar},f} & = BPF(B_{\text{scalar}})
Solve for \(c\)
A_f \cdot c = B_{\text{scalar},f}
Map-based calibration
Perform maneuvers over known-good map
Solve for \(c\)
A \cdot c = B_{\text{scalar}} - B_{{\oplus}} - B_{\text{anomaly}}
provides Ridge
and RidgeCV
routines to do thisIn-flight
Compute \(A_k\) for each time-step
Apply \(c\)
B_\class{fa fa-plane}{}= A \cdot c
B_\text{anomaly}= B_\text{sensor}- B_{\oplus}- B_\class{fa fa-plane}{}
\[ \vec{x}= \begin{bmatrix} \smash[b]{\underbrace{\begin{matrix} \delta \vec{p} & \delta \vec{v} & \delta \vec{\epsilon} & \vec{b}_a & \vec{b}_g\end{matrix}}_{\text{Pinson 15}}} & \smash[b]{\underbrace{\begin{matrix}\delta h_a & \delta a\end{matrix}}_{\text{Baro}}} & S_\text{fogm} & S_\text{bias} \end{bmatrix} \]
\[ z = h(\vec{x}) + v \] \[ h(\vec{x}) = |B_\mathrm{a}| + |B_\text{earth}| + {\color{gray}|B_\text{Plane}}| + S_\text{fogm} + S_\text{bias} \]
Discrete time dynamics at time index \(k+1\) the state vector \(\vec{x}_{k+1}\) is \[ \vec{x}_{k+1} = {\Phi}_k \vec{x}_k + {B}_k \vec{u}_k + \vec{w}_k \]
A measurement \(\vec{z}\) is \[ \vec{z}_k = {H}_k \vec{x}_k + \vec{v}_k \]
\({H}\) is connection between state \(\vec{x}\) and measurement \(\vec{z}\)
\(\vec{v}\sim\mathcal{N}(0,{R})\) is the noise process of the measurement with covariance \({R}\)
The state \(\vec{x}_{k}\) has a mean \(\hat{\vec{x}}_{k}\) and covariance \({P}_{k}\) which propagates forward in time (with no other information) like: \[ \begin{aligned} \hat{\vec{x}}_{k+1}^- & = {\Phi}_k \hat{\vec{x}}_{k} + \cancelto{0}{{B}\vec{u}_k} \\ {P}_{k+1}^- & = {\Phi}_k {P}_{k} {\Phi}_k^T + {Q}_k \end{aligned} \] When a measurement \(\vec{z}\) is made, we can update the propagated state vector \[ \begin{aligned} \hat{\vec{x}}_{k} &= \hat{\vec{x}}_{k}^- + {K}_k (\vec{z}_k - {H}_k \hat{\vec{x}}_{k}^-)\\ {P}_k &= ({I} -{K}_k {H}_k ) {P}_{k}^- \\ {K}_k &= {P}_{k}^- {H}_k^T( {H}_k {P}_{k}^- {H}_k^T + {R}_k )^{-1} \end{aligned} \]
The map-matching measurement processor is non-linear. Two primary approaches have been used for MagNav:
Generalize the state dynamics and measurement \[ \begin{aligned} \dot{\vec{x}} & = \vec{f}(\vec{x}, \vec{u}_d, t) + \vec{u}(t) \\ \vec{z} & = \vec{h}(\vec{x}, t) + \vec{v}(t) \end{aligned} \]
Write the state \(\vec{x}\) in terms of some \(\vec{x}^*(t)\) and a deviation from it \(\Delta\vec{x}(t)\) \[ \vec{x}(t) = \vec{x}^*(t) + \Delta\vec{x}(t) \]
\[ \begin{aligned} \dot{\vec{x}}^* + \Delta\dot{\vec{x}} & = \vec{f}(\vec{x}^* + \Delta\vec{x}, \vec{u}_d, t) + \vec{u}(t) \\ \vec{z} & = \vec{h}(\vec{x}^* +\Delta\vec{x}, t) + \vec{v}(t) \end{aligned} \]
\(\Delta\vec{x}\) is small and use Taylor series (so many Taylor series) \[ \begin{aligned} \dot{\vec{x}}^* + \Delta\dot{\vec{x}} & \approx \vec{f}(\vec{x}^*, \vec{u}_d, t) + \left[ \frac{\partial \vec{f}}{\partial \vec{x}}\right]_{\vec{x}=\vec{x}^*} \cdot \Delta\vec{x} + \vec{u}(t) \\ \vec{z} & \approx \vec{h}(\vec{x}^*, t) + \left[ \frac{\partial \vec{h}}{\partial \vec{x}}\right]_{\vec{x}=\vec{x}^*} \cdot \Delta\vec{x} + \vec{v}(t) \end{aligned} \] If \(\vec{x}^*\) is just a single known trajectory, then this is just the Linearized Kalman filter.
If \(\vec{x}^*\) is our trajectory estimate, then this is the Extended Kalman filter.
\[ \begin{aligned} \dot{\vec{x}}^* + \Delta\dot{\vec{x}} & \approx \vec{f}(\vec{x}^*, \vec{u}_d, t) + \left[ \frac{\partial \vec{f}}{\partial \vec{x}}\right]_{\vec{x}=\vec{x}^*} \cdot \Delta\vec{x} + \vec{u}(t) \\ \vec{z} & \approx \vec{h}(\vec{x}^*, t) + \left[ \frac{\partial \vec{h}}{\partial \vec{x}}\right]_{\vec{x}=\vec{x}^*} \cdot \Delta\vec{x} + \vec{v}(t) \end{aligned} \] Becomes \[ \begin{aligned} \dot{\vec{x}}^* + \Delta\dot{\vec{x}} & \approx \vec{f}(\vec{x}^*, \vec{u}_d, t) + \mathbf{F} \cdot \Delta\vec{x} + \vec{u}(t) \\ \vec{z} & \approx \vec{h}(\vec{x}^*, t) + \mathbf{H} \cdot \Delta\vec{x} + \vec{v}(t) \end{aligned} \] with \[ \mathbf{F} = \left[ \frac{\partial \vec{f}}{\partial \vec{x}}\right]_{\vec{x}=\vec{x}^*},\ \mathbf{H} = \left[ \frac{\partial \vec{h}}{\partial \vec{x}}\right]_{\vec{x}=\vec{x}^*} \]
Write the linearized measurement as \[ \vec{z} - \vec{h}(\vec{x}^*) = \mathbf{H} \Delta \vec{x} + \vec{v} \] The incremental estimate update at time \(t_k\) is \[ \Delta\hat{\vec{x}}_k = \Delta\hat{\vec{x}}_k^- + \mathbf{K}_k \left[ \vec{z}_k - \vec{h}(\vec{x}^*_k) - \mathbf{H}_k \Delta\hat{\vec{x}}_k^- \right] \] Write the estimate of what the measurement should be \[ \hat{\vec{z}}^-_k = \vec{h}(\vec{x}^*_k) + \mathbf{H}_k \Delta\hat{\vec{x}}_k^- \] And then \[ \underbrace{\vec{x}^*_k + \Delta\hat{\vec{x}}_k}_{\textstyle\hat{\vec{x}}_k} = \underbrace{\vec{x}^*_k + \Delta\hat{\vec{x}}_k^-}_{\textstyle\hat{\vec{x}}_k^-} + \mathbf{K}_k \left[ \vec{z}_k - \hat{\vec{z}}^-_k \right] \]
(Titterton and Weston 2004), (Raquet 2021)
Pinson 9-state model for INS is: \[ \vec{x} = \begin{bmatrix} \delta x_n \\ \delta x_e \\ \delta x_d \\ \delta v_n \\ \delta v_e \\ \delta v_d \\ \delta\epsilon_n \\ \delta\epsilon_e \\ \delta\epsilon_d \\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \delta\vec{x} \\ \delta\vec{v} \\ \delta\vec{\epsilon} \\ \end{bmatrix} \]
and \[
\dot{\vec{x}} = \mathbf{F} \vec{x}
Imprantly \(\mathbf{F}\) is a matrix, this is not non-linear propagation.
\[ \begin{bmatrix} \delta\dot{\vec{x}} \\ \delta\dot{\vec{v}} \\ \delta\dot{\vec{\epsilon}} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} F_{xx} & F_{xv} & F_{x\epsilon} \\ F_{vx} & F_{vv} & F_{v\epsilon} \\ F_{\epsilon x} & F_{\epsilon v} & F_{\epsilon \epsilon} \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \delta \vec{x} \\ \delta \vec{v} \\ \delta \vec{\epsilon} \\ \end{bmatrix} \] We are working in geodetic coordinates so the elements of \(\mathbf{F}\) depend upon Earth specifc parameters to account for Coriolis force.
Variable | Description | Value/Units |
\(\phi\) | latitude | radian |
\(v_n\) | north velocity | meter/second |
\(v_e\) | east velocity | meter/second |
\(v_d\) | down velocity | meter/second |
\(f_n\) | north specific force | meter/second/second |
\(f_e\) | east specific force | meter/second/second |
\(f_d\) | down specific force | meter/second/second |
\(R_{\oplus}\) | Earth radius | 635300 meter |
\(\Omega_{\oplus}\) | Earth rotation rate | 7.2921151467e-5/second |
\[ F_{xx} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & -\frac{v_n}{R_{\oplus}^2}\\ \frac{v_e \tan \phi}{R_{\oplus}\cos \phi} & 0 & \frac{v_e}{R_{\oplus}^2 \cos\phi} \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix} \]
\[ F_{xv} = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{1}{R_{\oplus}} & 0 & 0\\ 0 & \frac{1}{R_{\oplus}\cos\phi} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & -1 \\ \end{bmatrix} \]
\[ F_{x\epsilon} = \mathbf{0}_{3\times 3} \]
\[ F_{vx} = \begin{bmatrix} v_e \left( 2\Omega_{\oplus}\cos\phi + \frac{v_e}{R_{\oplus}\cos^2\phi} \right) & 0 & \frac{v_e^2\tan\phi - v_n v_d}{R_{\oplus}^2}\\ 2\Omega_{\oplus}\left(v_n \cos\phi - v_d \sin\phi\right) + \frac{v_n v_e}{R_{\oplus}\cos^2\phi} & 0 & \frac{-v_e (v_n\tan\phi +v_d)}{R_{\oplus}^2}\\ 2\Omega_{\oplus}v_e \sin \phi & 0 & \frac{v_n^2 + v_e^2}{R_{\oplus}} \\ \end{bmatrix} \]
\[ F_{vv} = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{v_d}{R_{\oplus}} & -2 \left( \Omega_{\oplus}\sin\phi + \frac{v_e\tan\phi}{R_{\oplus}} \right) & \frac{v_n}{R_{\oplus}} \\ 2\Omega_{\oplus}\sin\phi + \frac{v_e\tan\phi}{R_{\oplus}} & \frac{v_n\tan\phi+v_d}{R_{\oplus}} & 2\Omega_{\oplus}\cos\phi + \frac{v_e}{R_{\oplus}} \\ -\frac{2v_n}{R_{\oplus}} & -2 \left( \Omega_{\oplus}\cos\phi + \frac{v_e}{R_{\oplus}} \right) & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix} \]
\[ F_{v\epsilon} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -f_d & f_e \\ f_d & 0 & -f_n \\ -f_e & f_n & 0 \end{bmatrix} \]
\[ F_{\epsilon x} = \begin{bmatrix} -\Omega_{\oplus}\sin\phi & 0 & -\frac{v_e}{R_{\oplus}} \\ 0 & 0 & \frac{v_n}{R_{\oplus}^2} \\ -\Omega_{\oplus}\cos\phi - \frac{v_e}{R_{\oplus}\cos^2\phi} & 0 & \frac{v_e\tan\phi}{R_{\oplus}^2} \end{bmatrix} \]
\[ F_{\epsilon v } = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1/R_{\oplus}& 0 \\ -1/R_{\oplus}& 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \frac{\tan\phi}{R_{\oplus}} & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix} \]
\[ F_{\epsilon\epsilon} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & -\Omega_{\oplus}\sin\phi + \frac{v_e}{R_{\oplus}\tan\phi} & v_n/R_{\oplus}\\ \Omega_{\oplus}\sin\phi + \frac{v_e\tan\phi}{R_{\oplus}} & 0 & \Omega_{\oplus}\cos\phi + v_e/R_{\oplus}\\ -v_n/R_{\oplus}& -\Omega\cos\phi -v_e/R_{\oplus}& 0 \\ \end{bmatrix} \]
\[ \vec{x} = \begin{bmatrix} \delta x_n \\ \delta x_e \\ \delta x_d \\ \delta v_n \\ \delta v_e \\ \delta v_d \\ \delta\epsilon_n \\ \delta\epsilon_e \\ \delta\epsilon_d \\ b_{a_x} \\ b_{a_y} \\ b_{a_z} \\ b_{g_x} \\ b_{g_y} \\ b_{g_z} \\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \delta\vec{x} \\ \delta\vec{v} \\ \delta\vec{\epsilon} \\ \vec{b_a}\\ \vec{b_g}\\ \end{bmatrix} \]
\[ \begin{bmatrix} \delta\dot{\vec{x}} \\ \delta\dot{\vec{v}} \\ \delta\dot{\vec{\epsilon}} \\ \dot{\vec{b_a}}\\ \dot{\vec{b_g}}\\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} F_{xx} & F_{xv} & 0 & 0 & 0\\ F_{vx} & F_{vv} & F_{v\epsilon} & \mathbf{C}_b^n & 0 \\ F_{\epsilon x} & F_{\epsilon v} & F_{\epsilon \epsilon} & 0 & -\mathbf{C}_b^n \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & F_{aa} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & F_{gg} \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \delta \vec{x} \\ \delta \vec{v} \\ \delta \vec{\epsilon} \\ \vec{b}_a\\ \vec{b}_g\\ \end{bmatrix} \]
\[ F_{aa} = \begin{bmatrix} -1/\tau_a & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & -1/\tau_a & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & -1/\tau_a\\ \end{bmatrix},\ F_{gg} = \begin{bmatrix} -1/\tau_g & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & -1/\tau_g & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & -1/\tau_g\\ \end{bmatrix} \] and \(\mathbf{C}_b^n\) is the direction cosine matrix that rotates from body to NED frame.
Results in an 18-component state vector \[ \begin{bmatrix} \delta \vec{x} & \delta \vec{v} & \delta \vec{\epsilon} & \vec{b}_a & \vec{b}_g & \delta h_a & \delta a & S \end{bmatrix} \]
\[ \begin{bmatrix} \delta\dot{\vec{x}} \\ \delta\dot{\vec{v}} \\ \delta\dot{\vec{\epsilon}} \\ \dot{\vec{b}}_a\\ \dot{\vec{b}}_g\\ \dot{h_a}\\ \dot{\delta_a}\\ \dot{S} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} F_{xx} & F_{xv} & 0 & 0 & 0 & F_{xb} & 0 \\ F_{vx} & F_{vv} & F_{v\epsilon} & \mathbf{C}_b^n & 0 & F_{vb} & 0 \\ F_{\epsilon x} & F_{\epsilon v} & F_{\epsilon \epsilon} & 0 & -\mathbf{C}_b^n & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & F_{aa} & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & F_{gg} &0 & 0 \\ F_{bp} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & F_{bb} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & F_{ss} \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \delta \vec{x} \\ \delta \vec{v} \\ \delta \vec{\epsilon} \\ \vec{b}_a\\ \vec{b}_g\\ \delta h_a \\ \delta a \\ S \end{bmatrix} \]
Barometer aiding: \[ \mathbf{F}_{xb} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \\ k_1 & 0 \end{bmatrix},\ \mathbf{F}_{vb} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \\ -k_2 & 1 \\ \end{bmatrix} \]
\[ \mathbf{F}_{bx} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & k_3 \\ \end{bmatrix},\ \mathbf{F}_{bb} = \begin{bmatrix} -\frac{1}{\tau_b} & 0 \\ -k_3 & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix} \]
The disturbance field bias is given by: \[ \mathbf{F}_{ss} = \frac{1}{\tau_s} \]
The scalar sensor measures: \[ |\vec{B}_\text{total}| = |\vec{B}_\text{ext}+ \vec{B}_\text{\class{fa fa-plane}{}} | \] and \[ \vec{B}_\text{ext}= \vec{B}_{\oplus}+ \vec{B}_\text{anomaly} + \vec{B}_\text{disturbance} \]
\[ \begin{aligned} \vec{z} & \approx \vec{h}(\vec{x}^*, t) + \mathbf{H} \cdot \Delta\vec{x} + \vec{v}(t) \end{aligned} \]
\[ \mathbf{H} = \left[ \frac{\partial \vec{h}}{\partial \vec{x}}\right]_{\vec{x}=\vec{x}^*} \]
\[ \mathbf{H}(\vec{x}^*) = \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial h(\vec{x}^*)}{\partial x_n} \\ \frac{\partial h(\vec{x}^*)}{\partial x_e} \\ \frac{\partial h(\vec{x}^*)}{\partial x_d} \\ \mathbf{0}_{1x15} \end{bmatrix} \leftarrow\text{This is the gradient of the map} \] Both the map and 3D gradient of the map are needed in order to make a measurement and incorporate it.
F-16 photos approved for public release by Edwards AFB Public Affairs Office. Public Release number 20438.
Please join us at Salty Seal Brewpub
Salty Seal Brewpub and Sports Bar
653 Cannery Row, Monterey, CA 93940
ION MagNav Workshop 2023